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player contract & liability

By signing below, I commit to participate and play in the Atlet Summer Collegiate League for 2023. I hereby understand and agree that my participation in the league is at my own cost and risk, and that I am not entitled to any compensation or renumeration of any nature. I hereby grant permission for use of my likeness in photography and videography related to Atlet training programs and league events, and I grant permission for Atlet staff to send my information to other coach’s, scouts, and programs where appropriate for my recruitment. I agree to wear black socks, grey or white pants, metal cleats, and a black belt as the uniform requirement for the league (jersey and hat will be provided). I agree to provide my own equipment and wood bat as required by the league (team wood bats will be provided).

I and my parent or guardian agree to release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless Atlet trainers, coaches, and staff from any claim arising out of any negligence, injury, illness, accident, equipment related damage or physical harm from participation in Atlet training activities and the Atlet Summer Collegiate League. I acknowledge and understand the personal risk of potential injury that may occur from participation in such athletic activities.

I agree to pay my player fee of $695 for participation in the league to secure my position on the roster for the 2023 season. I understand there is no refund for failure to show up to training sessions, games, and that I may be removed from a roster for poor work ethic, time management, illegal behavior, or unprofessional conduct as an athlete.

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© 2021 All Rights Reserved Atlet - Athletes Enhancement Training, LLC Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. 


ATLET SUMMER LEAGUE branding and affiliated products are registered trademarks of Atlet - Athletes Enhancement Training, LLC. 

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